Your contest just got more interesting: Introducing In-Season Payouts, the newest way to keep your community of players engaged throughout the life of your contests, now live on Splash Sports!
Add payout segments to your Golf One & Done contests to create more winners and reward players for staying engaged and making picks all contest long – without the hassle of manually sending out payments!
Setting Up In-Season Payouts
Now, when you create a contest, you'll have two options to add In-Season Payouts: Payout Segments or Slate Payouts. These options allow you to split tournaments in your Golf One & Done contest into payable segments and pay out your players at the end of designated slates.

Players will make their picks as usual, but prizes will now be awarded to the winners of each of these segments or slates as well as at the end of the contest. Splash Sports will tally the standings for you, both for your overall contest and individual payout segments, so you can keep your focus on making your picks and competing against your friends!
Payout Segments
Payout segments allow you to break up your contest into segmented contests, allowing your players multiple opportunities to win cash throughout!

For all payout segments, we'll keep the score of your contest as if the segment were a standalone contest. The winner (or winners, depending on how you set up payouts for your payout segment) of each segment will take home cash, which will be available in their Splash Sports account immediately at the end of the segment. Your total contest scoring will remain the same as it always has been: have the best score throughout your contest and top the leaderboard to take home the cash.
At the contest creation level, commissioners will be able to decide both the total prize payout and the segment/slate payouts. For the segments, a portion of the total prize pot for your contest is set aside to pay out the winner of each segment. For payout options, we will offer Winner Take All, Pay Top 3, Pay Top 5, and Pay Top 10. This allows you to customize payout segments for any contest size, keeping your players engaged throughout the contest!

Create an In-Season Payout Contest Today
In-Season Payouts are now live on Splash Sports! Give it a try and see how much easier life is when we handle scoring, payouts, and standings for your contest, now with the ability to offer multiple payouts along the way. Start a contest today!